Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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3457 publications in the database.

5 publications found for year '1992'.

Peer-reviewed international journal articles (2)

[1992ACLI1669] - Otto, I. and Guigon, E. and Boutkhil, L. and Grandguillaume, P. and Burnod, Y. (1992). Direct and indirect cooperation between temporal and parietal networks for invariant visual recognition.
J Cogn Neurosci Vol 4 No 1 Pages 35-57.
[ BIB ]

[1992ACLI3144] - Duhaut, D. and Bidaud, P. and Fontaine, D. (1992). IAda: A language for robot programming based on Ada.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Vol 9 No 4 Pages 299-304.
[ BIB ]

Peer-reviewed international conference papers (3)

[1992ACTI1784] - Gas, B. and Natowicz, R. (1992). A model of formal neural network for unsupervised learning of binary temporal sequences.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN\'92) Baltimore.
[ BIB ]

[1992ACTI1785] - Gas, B. and Natowicz, R. (1992). Assigning two modes of computation to cells of a formal neural network for unsupervised learning of sequences.
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN\'92) Pages 245-248. Brighton.
[ BIB ]

[1992ACTI1787] - Gas, B. and Natowicz, R. (1992). A new model of formal neural network for non-supervised learning and recognition of temporal sequences.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'92) Pages 541-544. La Haye.
[ BIB ]