Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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[2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [2001] [2000] [1999] [1998] [1997] [1996] [1995] [1994] [1993] [1992] [1991] [1990] [0] [Toutes]

3457 publications enregistrées dans la base de données.

124 publications trouvées pour l'année '2018'.

Articles dans des revues internationales avec comité de lecture (51)

[2018ACLI3842] - Aigrain, J. and Spodenkiewicz, M. and Dubuisson, S. and Detyniecki, M. and Cohen, D. and Chetouani, M. (2018). Multimodal stress detection from multiple assessments.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing Vol 9 No 4 Pages 491 - 506.
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[2018ACLI4531] - Dapogny, Arnaud and Bailly, Kevin (2018). Face Alignment with Cascaded Semi-Parametric Deep Greedy Neural Forests.
Pattern Recognition Letters Vol 102 Pages 75-81.
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[2018ACLI3983] - Fang, S. and Achard, C. and Dubuisson, S. (2018). Modeling the synchrony between interacting people: application to role recognition.
Multimedia Tools and Applications Vol 77 No 1 Pages 503-518.
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[2018ACLI3996] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Dubuisson, S. (2018). Confidence-Weighted Local Expression Predictions for Occlusion Handling in Expression Recognition and Action Unit Detection.
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) Vol 126 No 2-4 Pages 255–271.
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[2018ACLI4086] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Dubuisson, S. (2018). Dynamic Pose-Robust Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-View Pairwise Conditional Random Forests.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing to appear.
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[2018ACLI4490] - Leang, I. and Herbin, S. and Girard, B. and Droulez, J. (2018). On-line Fusion of Trackers for Single-Object Tracking.
Pattern Recognition Vol 74 Pages 459-473.
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[2018ACLI4491] - Morel, M. and Achard, C. and Kulpa, R. and Dubuisson, S. (2018). Time-series Averaging Using Constrained Dynamic Time Warping with Tolerance.
Pattern Recognition Vol 74 Pages 77-89.
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[2018ACLI4498] - Viejo, G. and Girard, B. and Procyk, E. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Adaptive coordination of working-memory and reinforcement learning in non-human primates performing a trial-and-error problem solving task.
Behavioural Brain Research Vol 355 Pages 76-89.
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[2018ACLI4502] - Bochereau, S. and Sinclair, S. and Hayward, V. (2018). Perceptual Constancy in the Reproduction of Virtual Tactile Textures With Surface Displays.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception Vol 15 No 2 Pages 10.
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[2018ACLI4510] - Aklil, N. and Girard, B. and Denoyer, L. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Sequential action selection and active sensing for budgeted localization in robot navigation.
International Journal of Semantic Computing Vol 12 No 1 Pages 109--127.
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[2018ACLI4517] - Lefèvre-Colau, M.M. and Nguyen, C. and Palazzo, C. and Srour, F. and Paris, G. and Vuillemin, V. and Poiraudeau, S. and Roby-Brami, A. and Roren, A. (2018). Recent advances in kinematics of the shoulder complex in healthy people..
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. Vol 61 No 1 Pages 56-59.
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[2018ACLI4518] - Lefèvre-Colau, M.M. and Nguyen, C. and Palazzo, C. and Srour, F. and Paris, G. and Vuillemin, V. and Poiraudeau, S. and Roby-Brami, A. and Roren, A. (2018). Kinematic patterns in normal and degenerative shoulders. Part II: Review of 3-D scapular kinematic patterns in patients with shoulder pain, and clinical implications. .
Ann Phys Rehabil Med. Vol 61 No 1 Pages 46-53.
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[2018ACLI4523] - Dragicevic, Pierre and Jansen, Yvonne (2018). Blinded with Science or Informed by Charts? A Replication Study.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 24 No 1 Pages 781-790.
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[2018ACLI4528] - Spodenkiewicz, M. and Aigrain, J. and Bourvis, N. and Dubuisson, S. and Chetouani, M. and Cohen, D. (2018). Distinguish self- and hetero-perceived stress through behavioral imaging and physiological features.
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry Vol 82 Pages 107-114.
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[2018ACLI4547] - Merad, M and de Montalivet, E and Touillet, A and Roby-Brami, A and Jarrasse, N (2018). Can we achieve intuitive prosthetic elbow control based on healthy upper limb motor?.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics Vol 1 Pages 12.
[ DOI | BIB ]

[2018ACLI4548] - Rodriguez, G. and Sarazin, M. and Clemente, A. and Holden, S. and Paz, JT. and Delord, B. (2018). Conditional bistability, a generic cellular mnemonic mechanism for robust and flexible working memory computations.
Journal of Neuroscience Vol 38(22) Pages 5209-5219.
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[2018ACLI4549] - Romano, F. and Nava, G. and Azad, M. and ÄŒamernik, J. and Dafarra, S. and Dermy, O. and Latella, C. and Lazzaroni, M. and Lober, R. and Lorenzini, M. and Pucci, D. and Sigaud, O. and Traversaro, S. and Babic, J. and Ivaldi, S. and Mistry, M. and Padois, V. and Nori, F. (2018). The CoDyCo Project Achievements and Beyond: TowardHuman Aware Whole-Body Controllers for Physical Human Robot Interaction.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Vol 3 No 1 Pages 516-523.
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[2018ACLI4637] - Lehir, N. and Laflaquière, A. and Sigaud, O. (2018). Identification of Invariant Sensorimotor Structures as a Prerequisite for the Discovery of Objects.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI Vol 5 Pages 70.
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[2018ACLI4552] - Benaroya, Laurent and Obin, Nicolas and Liuini, Marco and Roebel, Axel, and Raumel, Wilson and Argentieri, Sylvain (2018). Binaural Localization of Multiple Sound Sources by Non-Negative Tensor Factorization.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing Vol 26, issue 6 Pages 1072 - 1082.
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[2018ACLI4553] - Cohen, Laura and Chetouani, Mohamed and Régnier, Stéphane and Haliyo, Sinan (2018). A natural interface based on intention prediction for semi-autonomous micromanipulation.
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces Vol 12 No 1 Pages 17--30.
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[2018ACLI4554] - Bourvis, N. and Singer, M. and Saint Georges, C. and Bodeau, N. and Chetouani, M. and Cohen, D. and Feldman, R. (2018). Pre-linguistic infants employ complex communicative loops to engage mothers in social exchanges and repair interaction ruptures.
Royal Society Open Science Vol 5 No 1 Pages 170274.
[ DOI | BIB ]

[2018ACLI4580] - Cazé, R. and Stimberg, M. and Girard, B. (2018). [Re] Non-additive coupling enables propagation of synchronous spiking activity in purely random networks.
ReScience Vol 4 No 1 Pages 1.
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[2018ACLI4563] - Chalard, R. and Reversat,D. and Morel,G. and Mozer, P. and Vitrani, M.-A. (2018). Precisely positioning the tip of an instrument inserted through an orifice with a free wrist robot. Application to prostate biopsies.
IJCARS Vol 13 No 5 Pages 611-618. Best paper award - runner up.
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[2018ACLI4572] - Dollé, L. and Chavarriaga, R. and Guillot, A.* and Khamassi, M.* (2018). Interactions of spatial strategies producing generalization gradient and blocking: a computational approach.
PLoS Computational Biology Vol 14 No 4 Pages e1006092 (* equally contributing authors).
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[2018ACLI4576] - Grossard, C. and Chaby, L. and Hun, S. and Pellerin, H and Bourgeois, J. and Dapogny, A.and Ding, H and Serret, S. and Foulon, P. and Chetouani, M. and Chen, L. and Bailly, K and Grynszpan, O. and Cohen, D (2018). Children facial expression production: influence of age, gender, emotion subtype, elicitation condition and culture.
Frontiers in Psychology Vol 9 Pages 446.
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[2018ACLI4582] - Khamassi, M. and Velentzas, G. and Tsitsimis, T. and Tzafestas, C. (2018). Robot fast adaptation to changes in human engagement during simulated dynamic social interaction with active exploration in parameterized reinforcement learning.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems Vol 10 No 4 Pages 881-893.
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[2018ACLI4592] - Gauthier, S and Anzalone, S. and Cohen, D. and Chetouani, M. and Villa, F. and Berthoz, A. and Xavier, J. (2018). Behavioral own-body-transformations in children and adolescents with typical development, autism spectrum disorder and developmental coordination disorder.
Frontiers in Psychology Vol 9 Pages 676.
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[2018ACLI4598] - Joseph, Lucas and Padois, Vincent and Morel, Guillaume (2018). Towards X-ray medical imaging with robots in the open: safety without compromising performances.
IEEE ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation Vol 1 Pages 6604-6610.
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[2018ACLI4599] - Chatila,R. and Renaudo, E. and Andries, M. and Chavez Garcia, R.O. and Luce-Vayrac, P. and Gottstein, R. and Alami, R. and Clodic, A. and Devin, S. and Girard, B. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Towards Self-Aware Robots.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI Vol 5 Pages 88.
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[2018ACLI4600] - Velentzas, G. and Tsitsimis, T. and Rano, I. and Tzafestas, C. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Adaptive reinforcement learning with active state-specific exploration for engagement maximization during simulated child-robot interaction.
Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics Vol 9 Pages 235-253.
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[2018ACLI4602] - Li, Y and Gowrishankar, G. and Jarrasse, N and Haddadin, S and Albu-Schäffer, A and Burdet, E (2018). Force, Impedance and Trajectory Learning for Contact Tooling and Haptic Identification.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Vol 35 No 5 Pages 1170-1182.
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[2018ACLI4605] - Legrand, Mathilde and de Montalivet, Etienne and Merad, Manelle and Roby-Brami, Agnès and Jarrasse, Nathanaël (2018). Movement-Based Control for Upper-Limb prosthetics: Is the Regression Technique the Key to a Robust and Accurate Control?.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics Vol 12 Pages 1-13.
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[2018ACLI4638] - Trujillo-Leon, A. and Bachta, W. and Vidal, F. (2018). Tactile Sensor-Based Steering as a Substitute of the Attendant Joystick in Powered Wheelchairs.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering Vol 26 No 7 Pages 1381-1390.
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[2018ACLI4613] - Ameline, Olivier and Haliyo, Sinan and Huang, Xingxi and Cognet, Jean A.H. (2018). Analytical expression of elastic rods at equilibrium under 3D strong anchoring boundary conditions.
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier, publisher Vol 373 Pages 736 - 749.
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[2018ACLI4617] - Trujillo-León, A. and Bachta, W. and Castellanos-Ramos, J. and Vidal-Verdú, F. (2018). Assistive Handlebar Based on Tactile Sensors: Control Inputs and Human Factors.
Sensors Vol 18 No 8 Pages 1-27.
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[2018ACLI4620] - Lee, B. and Gentry, R. and Bissonette, G.B. and Herman, R.J. and Mallon, J.J. and Bryden, D.W. and Calu, D.J. and Schoenbaum, G. and Coutureau, E. and Marchand, A. and Khamassi, M. and Roesch, M.R. (2018). Manipulating the revision of reward value during the intertrial interval increases sign tracking and dopamine releases.
PLoS Biology Vol 16 No 9 Pages e2004015.
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[2018ACLI4621] - Bavard, S. and Lebreton, M. and Khamassi, M. and Coricelli, G. and Palminteri, S. (2018). Reference point and range-adaptation produce both rational and irrational choices in human reinforcement learning.
Nature Communications Vol 9 No 1 Pages 4503.
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[2018ACLI4628] - Dupin, L. and Hayward, V. and Wexler, M. (2018). Radial Trunk-Centred Reference Frame In Haptic Perception.
Scientific Reports Vol 8 Pages 13550.
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[2018ACLI4629] - Miller, L. E. and Montroni, L. and Koun, E. amd Salemme, R. and Hayward, V. and Farnè, A. (2018). Sensing With Tools Extends Somatosensory Processing Beyond The Body.
Nature Vol 561 Pages 239--242.
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[2018ACLI4635] - Doncieux, S. and Filliat, D. and Diaz-Rodriguez, N. and Hospedales, T. and Duro, R. and Coninx, A. and Roijers, D.M. and Girard, B. and Perrin, N. and Sigaud, O. (2018). Open-Ended Learning: A Conceptual Framework Based on Representational Redescription.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics Vol 12 Pages 59.
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[2018ACLI4636] - Oulmas, A. and Andreff, N. and Régnier, S. (2018). 3D Closed-loop swimming at low Reynolds numbers.
The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) Vol 37 No 11 Pages 1359-1375.
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[2018ACLI4645] - Boudaoud, Mokrane. and Lu, Tianming. and Liang, Shuai. and Oubellil, Raouia. and Régnier, Stéphane. (2018). A voltage/frequency modeling for a multi-DOFs serial nano-robotic system based on piezoelectric inertial actuators .
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Vol PP Pages 1-1.
[ DOI | BIB ]

[2018ACLI4648] - Cazé, R.* and Khamassi, M.* and Aubin, L. and Girard, B. (2018). Hippocampal replays under the scrutiny of reinforcement learning models.
Journal of Neurophysiology Vol 120 Pages 2877-2896 (* equally contributing authors).
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[2018ACLI4658] - Xavier, J. and Gauthier, S. and Cohen, D. and Zahoui, M. and Chetouani, M. and Villa, F. and Berthoz, A. and Anzalone, S. (2018). Interpersonal Synchronization, Motor Coordination, and Control Are Impaired During a Dynamic Imitation Task in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Frontiers in Psychology Vol 9 Pages 1467.
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[2018ACLI4659] - Grossard, C. and Palestra, G and Xavier, J. and Chetouani, M. and Grynzspan, O. and Cohen, D. (2018). ICT and autism care: state of the art.
Current opinion in psychiatry Vol 31 No 6 Pages 474-483.
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[2018ACLI4663] - Touillet, A and Peultier-Celli, L and Nicol, C and Jarrasse, N and Loiret, I and Martinet, N and Paysant, J and De Graaf J B (2018). Characteristics of phantom upper limb mobility encourage phantom-mobility-based prosthesis control.
Nature Scientific Reports Vol 8 Pages 15459.
[ DOI | BIB ]

[2018ACLI4664] - Cohen-Lhyver, Benjamin and Argentieri, Sylvain and Gas, Bruno (2018). The Head Turning Modulation system: an active multimodal paradigm for intrinsically motivated exploration of unknown environments.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics Vol 12 Pages 60.
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[2018ACLI4666] - Fairhurst, M. T. and Travers, E. and Hayward, V. and Deroy, O. (2018). Confidence Is Higher in Touch Than in Vision in Cases of Perceptual Ambiguity.
Scientific Reports Vol 8 Pages 15604.
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[2018ACLI4670] - Jarrasse, N and de Montalivet, E and Richer, F and Nicol, C and Touillet, A and Martinet, N and Paysant, J and De Graaf, J B (2018). Phantom-mobility-based prosthesis control in transhumeral amputees without surgical reinnervation: a preliminary study.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Vol 6 Pages 164.
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[2018ACLI4675] - Joseph, L and Padois, V. and Morel, G. (2018). Experimental validation of an energy constraint for a safer collaboration with robots.
International Symposium on Experimental Robotics to appear.
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[2018ACLI4822] - Laflaquière and O'Regan Kevin and Gas and Terekov, A. (2018). Discovering space - Grounding spatial topology and metric regularity in a naive agent's sensorimotor experience.
Neural Networks Vol 105 Pages 371-392.
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Articles dans des revues nationales avec comité de lecture (1)

[2018ACLN4593] - Pérusseau-Lambert, A. and Anastassova, M. and Boukallel, M. and Chetouani, M. and Grynszpan, O. (2018). Interfaces haptiques et tactiles pour l’autisme: une revue systématique.
Enfance Vol 1 Pages 65-90.
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Ouvrages scientifiques (1)

[2018OS4565] - Plumet, F. and Briere, Y. and Le Bars, F. (2018). Les voiliers robotisés.
, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, publisher No S7815
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Chapitres d'ouvrages scientifiques (5)

[2018COS4062] - Saoud, H. and Plumet, F. and Ben Amar, F. (2018). Adaptive sampling with a fleet of autonomous sailing boats using artificial potential fields.
Marine Robotics and Applications, Springer, editors, Springer, publisher No 10 Pages 15-27.
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[2018COS4520] - Khamassi, M. and Pacherie, E. (2018). Action.
Collins, T., Andler, D. and Tallon-Baudry, C. (Eds.) La cognition : du neurone à la société, Collins, T. and Andler, D. and Tallon-Baudry, C., editors, Paris, France: Gallimard, publisher
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[2018COS4568] - Roby-Brami, A. and Jarrasse, N. (2018). Wearable robotic systems and their application for neurorehabilitation. .
Rehabilitation robotics, technology and application. , Colombo R. and Sanguinetti V., editors Vol ISBN: 978-0-12-811995-2 Pages 241-252.
[ BIB ]

[2018COS4627] - Hayward, V. (2018). A Brief Overview of the Human Somatosensory System.
Musical Haptics, Papetti, S. and Saitis, C., editors Pages 29--48.
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[2018COS4782] - Perrin, Nicolas (2018). Biped Footstep Planning.
Humanoid Robotics: A Reference, Vadakkepat, P. and Goswami, A., editors
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Directions d'ouvrages (1)

[2018DO4673] - Haliyo, Sinan and Sill, Albert and Arai, Fumihito and Fatikow, Sergej, editor(s) (2018). Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS).
, Haliyo, Sinan and Sill, Albert and Arai, Fumihito and Fatikow, Sergej, editors ISBN 978-1-5386-4841-4 .
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Conférences invitées internationales (8)

[2018INVI4522] - Khamassi, M. (2018). A computational account of the role of dopamine in model-free learning and exploration modulation.
EBPS Computational Psychiatry Workshop (Flagel, S.B. and Paulus, M.) University of Cambridge, UK. invited conference.
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[2018INVI4573] - Vitrani, M.-A. (2018). Experiential education in robotics.
European Robotics Forum ERF 2018 Tampere, Finland. invited conference.
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[2018INVI4596] - Vitrani, MA (2018). A Surgical Cockpit to ease laparoscopic surgery.
Medical Robotics days Brussels, Belgium.
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[2018INVI4651] - Jarrasse, N (2018). The mind-body problem in technology.
Human Body in Motion Congress Bruxelles, Belgium.
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[2018INVI4654] - Khamassi, M. (2018). Hippocampal replays under the scrutiny of reinforcement learning models.
6th International Meeting on Computational Properties of the Prefrontal Cortex (Schall, J. and Womelsdorf, T.) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. invited conference.
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[2018INVI4655] - Khamassi, M. (2018). Robot learning for adaptive child-robot interaction.
Ethical dialogues for developing socially responsible robots for children with autism (Richardson, K.) DeMonfort University, Leicester, UK. invited conference.
[ BIB ]

[2018INVI4656] - Khamassi, M. (2018). Hippocampal replays under the scrutiny of reinforcement learning models.
Workshop on Latest Advances in Complex Spatial Navigation in Animals, Computational Models and Neuro-inspired Robots (Dominey, P.F., Fellous, J.M. and Weitzenfeld, A.) Lyon, France. invited conference.
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[2018INVI4657] - Khamassi, M. (2018). Meta-learning processes involving the medial prefrontal cortex.
Mini Symposium on Frontiers in medial prefrontal cortex research (Coutureau, E., Marchand, A. and Procyk, A.) Bordeaux, France. invited conference.
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Conférences invitées nationales (4)

[2018INVN4622] - Jarrasse, N (2018). Le mythe de l'homme augmenté.
Séminaire ''Intelligence artificielle, robotique et santé'', Chaire de Philosophie à l'hopital Paris. invited conference.
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[2018INVN4714] - Jarrasse, N (2018). Rééducation neuromotrice du membre supérieur avec un exosquelette de bras.
18èmes Assises de la kinésithérapie Orleans, France. invited conference.
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[2018INVN4824] - Khamassi, M. (2018). Is it efficient to perform meta-learning with social rewards the same way as with non-social ones? Insights from robotics experiments.
Decision-making mini-symposium (Palminteri, S.) Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. invited conference.
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[2018INVN4846] - Jarrasse, N (2018). Nouvelles approches de contrôle de prothèses pour les amputés transhuméraux.
25ème Forum du Val de Grâce Paris, France. invited conference.
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Communications internationales avec actes (26)

[2018ACTI4558] - Saint-Aubert, Justine and Régnier, Stéphane and Haliyo, Sinan (2018). Cable Driven Haptic Interface for Co-localized Desktop VR.
2018 IEEE Haptics Symposium Pages 1-6. San Francisco, USA.
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[2018ACTI4562] - Aubin, L. and Khamassi, M. and Girard, B. (2018). Prioritized Sweeping Neural DynaQ with Multiple Predecessors, and Hippocampal Replays .
Living Machines 2018 Vol 10928 Pages 16-27. Paris, France.
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[2018ACTI4574] - Roche and Richer and Saint-Bauzel (2018). The SEMAPHORO Haptic Interface: a real-time low-cost open-source implementation for dyadic teleoperation.
Proceedings of the Embedded Real-Time Softwares and Systems Congress Pages 1-6.
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[2018ACTI4575] - Roche and Saint-Bauzel (2018). High Stiffness in Teleoperated Comanipulation : Necessity or Luxury ?.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE ICRA) Pages 1-7.
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[2018ACTI4577] - Pasala, S. and Khamassi, M. and Pammi, V.S.C. (2018). Geometric features that describe reference frames in forming intuitive landmarks during spatial navigation.
Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2018) Pages in press. Rome, Italy.
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[2018ACTI4581] - Dahroug, Bassem and Oulmas, Ali and Séon, Jean-Antoine and Xu, Tiantian and Tamadazte, Brahim and Régnier, Stéphane and Andreff, Nicolas (2018). Some examples of path following in microrobotics.
2018 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) Pages 54 (6). Nagoya, Japan.
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[2018ACTI4587] - Fnadi, M and Menkouz, B. and Plumet, F. and Ben Amar, F. (2018). Path Tracking Control for a Double Steering Off-Road Mobile Robot.
ROMANSY 22--Robot Design, Dynamics and Control Pages 441--449.
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[2018ACTI4588] - Péré, A. and Forestier, S. and Sigaud, O. and Oudeyer, P.-Y. (2018). Unsupervised Learning of Goal Spaces for Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration.
ICLR Pages 1-26.
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[2018ACTI4589] - Colas, C. and Sigaud, O. and Oudeyer, P.-Y. (2018). GEP-PG: Decoupling Exploration and Exploitation in Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms.
ICML Pages 1-13.
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[2018ACTI4594] - Pérusseau-Lambert, A. and Anastassova, M. and Boukallel, M. and Chetouani, M. and Grynszpan, O. (2018). Simon Effect for the desing of Tactile Stimulation.
Eurohaptics 2018 Pages 69-79.
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[2018ACTI4595] - Hajlaoui, A. and Chetouani, M. and Essid, S. (2018). Multi-task Feature Learning for EEG-based Emotion Recognition Using Group Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.
European Conference on Signal Processing, EUSIPCO 2018 Pages 91-95.
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[2018ACTI4603] - ACHARD,C. and FANG, S. (2018). Estimation of Cohesion with Feature Categorization on Small Scale Groups.
WACAI Pages -.
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[2018ACTI4604] - Khamassi, M. and Chalvatzaki, G. and Tsitsimis, T. and Velentzas, G. and Tzafestas, C. (2018). A framework for robot learning during child-robot interaction with human engagement as reward signal.
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018) Pages 461-464. Nanjing City Prize for Best Late Breaking Report.
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[2018ACTI4616] - Cailliez, Jonathan and Boudaoud, Mokrane and Mohand-Ousaid, Abdenbi and Weill--Duflos, Antoine and Haliyo, Sinan and Régnier, Stéphane (2018). Modeling and Experimental Characterization of an Active MEMS Based Force Sensor.
2018 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) Pages 91 (6). Nagoya, Japan.
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[2018ACTI4619] - Cailliez, jonathan and Boudaoud, Mokrane and Liang, Shuai and Régnier, Stéphane (2018). A multi-model design for robust hybrid control of non-linear piezoelectric actuators at the micro/nano scales.
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC) Pages 5131 - 5137. Milwaukee, USA.
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[2018ACTI4625] - Kaneko, S. and Kajimoto, H. and Hayward, V. (2018). A Case of Perceptual Completion in Spatio-Temporal Tactile Space.
Proceedings of the Eurohaptics Conference Pages 49--57.
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[2018ACTI4626] - Duvernoy, B. and Farkhatdinov, I. and Topp, S. and Hayward, V. (2018). Electromagnetic Actuator for Tactile Communication.
Proceedings of the Eurohaptics Conference Pages 14--24.
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[2018ACTI4640] - Vérité, F. and Bachta, W. (2018). Coupling of postural sway to somatosensory drive: Effects of unilateral versus bilateral light touch.
12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress (ISPRM). Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Pages 1.
[ BIB ]

[2018ACTI4642] - De La Cruz, O. and Gosselin, F. and Bachta, W. and Morel, G. (2018). Contribution to the Design of a 6 DoF Contactless Sensor Intended for Intermittent Contact Haptic Interfaces.
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics Pages 6 pages.
[ BIB ]

[2018ACTI4643] - Marcel, Valentin and Argentieri, Sylvain and Gas, Bruno (2018). Where do I move my sensors? Emergence of an internal representation from the sensorimotor flow.
Workshop on Continual Unsupervised Sensorimotor Learning, IEEE International Conference on Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics Pages Pages in Press.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018ACTI4700] - Duvernoy, B. and Topp, S. and Hayward, V. (2018). ''HaptiComm'', a Haptic Communicator Device for Deafblind Communication.
Proceedings of the International AsiaHaptics conference Pages 112-115.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018ACTI4652] - Chalard,R. and Reversat,D. and Morel,G. and Vitrani,M.-A. (2018). AUTOFocus: Reaching a target in the prostate with a 3D-ultrasound image-based control law.
The Hamlyn Symposium on medical robotics Pages 1-3.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018ACTI4660] - Paetzel, M. and Varni, G. and Hupont, I. and Chetouani, M. and Peters, C. and Castellano, G. (2018). The Attribution of Emotional State - How Embodiment Features and Social Traits Affect the Perception of an Artificial Agent.
8th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2018. Pages 495-502.
[ BIB ]

[2018ACTI4661] - Paleologue, V. and Martin, J. and Pandey, A. K. and Coninx, A. and Chetouani, M. (2018). Semantic-based interaction for teaching robot behavior compositions using spoken language,.
International Conference on Social Robotics Pages 421-430.
[ BIB ]

[2018ACTI4662] - Hajlaoui, A. and Chetouani, M. and Essid, S. (2018). EEG-based Inter-Subject Correlation Schemes in a Stimuli-Shared Framework: Interplay with Valence and Arousal.
arXiv preprint Pages arXiv:1809.08273.
[ BIB ]

[2018ACTI4781] - Schlehuber-Caissier, P. and Perrin, N. (2018). Computing regions of stabilizability for nonlinear control systems with input constraints.
American Control Conference (ACC'18) Pages 2869-2876.
[ PDF | DOI | BIB ]

Communications nationales avec actes (1)

[2018ACTN4728] - Bailly, G. and Giannisakis, E. and Morel, M. and Achard, C. (2018). CaracteÌriser la transition des menus vers les raccourcis claviers.
30eme conférence francophone sur l'interaction homme-machine Pages pp.30-41.
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Communications sans actes (20)

[2018COM4583] - Liénard, J. and Girard, B. and Doya, K. (2018). Action selection and reinforcement learning in a Basal Ganglia model.
Eighth International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making Paris, France. poster #59.
[ HTTP | BIB ]

[2018COM4584] - Berthelon, G. and Liénard, J. and Doya, K. and Girard, B. (2018). Dichotomous organization of the Globus Pallidus externa reproduces long pauses in a spiking model of the monkey Basal Ganglia.
Eighth International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making Paris, France. poster #8.
[ HTTP | BIB ]

[2018COM4585] - Cinotti, F. and Fresno, V. and Aklil, N. and Coutureau, E. and Girard, B. and Marchand, A. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Dopamine regulation of the exploration-exploitation trade-off in rats.
Eighth International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making (SBDM 2018) Paris, France. poster # 17.
[ HTTP | BIB ]

[2018COM4586] - Aubin, L. and Khamassi, M. and Girard, B. (2018). Prioritized Sweeping Neural DynaQ with Multiple Predecessors, and Hippocampal Replays.
Learning and decision-making at the interface between Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics workshop. Paris, France. Satellite workshop of SBDM2018.
[ HTTP | BIB ]

[2018COM4597] - Gutierrez, C.E. and Igarashi, J. and Liénard, J. and Girard, B. and Plesser, H.E. and Diesmann, M. and Doya, K. (2018). Scaling of multiple-receptor synaptic connection methods in NEST.
NEST conference Ås, Norway. abstract & poster.
[ HTTP | BIB ]

[2018COM4601] - Jarrasse, N (2018). Ethics of Communication in Healthcare R obotics.
SMART Ethics Workshop: Labex SMART Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4606] - Khamassi, M. and Chalvatzaki, G. and Tsitsimis, T. and Velentzas, G. and Tzafestas, C. (2018). An extended framework for robot learning during child-robot interaction with human engagement as reward signal.
BAILAR workshop at the 27th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018) Nanjing, China.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018COM4607] - Zaraki, A. and Khamassi, M. and Wood, L. and Lakatos, G. and Tzafestas, C. and Robins, B. and Dautenhahn, K. (2018). A Novel Paradigm for Children as Teachers to the Kaspar Robot Learner.
BAILAR workshop at the 27th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018) Nanjing, China.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018COM4630] - Parry, R and Jarrasse, N and Sarlegna, F and Roby-Brami, A (2018). Adaptation to the absence of tactile and proprioceptive feedback in object handling .
12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM 2018) Paris, France.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4631] - Jarrasse, N and Muller, D and De Montalivet, E and Richer, F and Merad, M and Touillet, A and Martinet, N and Paysant, J (2018). A simple movement based control approach to ease the control of a myoelectric elbow prosthetics in transhumeral amputees.
12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM 2018) Paris, France.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4632] - Proietti, T and Parry, R and Lejeune, F and Roby-Brami, A and Jarrasse, N (2018). Adaptation of upper limb movement using exoskeleton-based training and transfer of cinematic patterns to unconstrained movement: a preliminary study.
12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM 2018) Paris, France.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4633] - Jarrasse, N (2018). Modifying upper-limb inter-joint coordination by training with a robotic exoskeleton.
12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM 2018) Paris, France.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4634] - Merad, M and de Montalivet, E and Lestoille, M and Touillet, A and Martinet, N and Paysant, J and Roby-Brami, A and Jarrasse, N (2018). Using the body kinematics to assess the utilization of transhumeral prostheses.
12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM 2018) Paris, France.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4647] - Ferrier-Barbut, E. (2018). Quels changements dans l’apprentissage en chirurgie par cœlioscopie avec l’arrivée des assistances robotisées ?.
Workshop Robotique Chirurgicale Nancy.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018COM4650] - Jarrasse, N (2018). Movement-Based Control of Upper Limb Prostheses: Towards the Decoding of Body Language.
Workshop on Human-Computer Collaboration in Embodied Interaction (HAMAC) IRCAM, Paris.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4653] - Grynszpan, O. and Mouquet, E. and Rushworth, M. and Sallet, J. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Computational model of the user's learning process when cued by a social versus non-social agent.
Late Breaking Poster at the 6th annual International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2018) Southampton, UK.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4667] - Liénard, J. and Girard, B. and Doya, K. (2018). Examination of the roles of basal ganglia afferents in action selection and learning by spiking neuron models.
SfN Meeting 2018 San Diego, CA, USA. poster #702.02.
[ HTTP | BIB ]

[2018COM4671] - Girard, B. and Liénard, J. and Chateau Laurent, H. and Doya, K. (2018). Selection and oscillations in a spiking model of the Basal Ganglia.
Neuralnet2018 - Understanding neural networks : from dynamics to functions Paris. Poster.
[ BIB ]

[2018COM4674] - Gutierrez, C.E. and Liénard, J. and Girard, B. and Igarashi, J. and Arbuthnott, G.W. and Doya, K. (2018). Spiking neural network model of the basal ganglia with realistic topological organization.
Advances in Neuroinformatics (AINI 2018) Saitama, Japan. poster PS15.
[ HTTP | DOI | BIB ]

[2018COM4772] - Avellino, Ignacio (2018). Événements Indésirables de la Chirurgie Robot-Assisté..
Le robot chirurgical : quelles approches interprofessionnelles techniques et non techniques ? CEREFIGE, Ecole de Chirurgie.
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Brevets (1)

[2018BR4874] - Duplat, Bertrand and Francois, Quentin and Haliyo, Sinan and Marchiano, Régis and Régnier, Stéphane (2018). System and method for real-time localization.
No PCT/EP2019/081344
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Thèses & HDR (2)

[2018THDR4612] - OULMAS, Ali (2018). Suivi de chemin 3D de nageurs magnétiques à faible nombre de Reynolds.
4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris. These de doctorat. Sorbonne Université.
[ BIB ]

[2018THDR4778] - Argentieri, Sylvain (2018). Un (petit) pas vers la perception interactive.
/. HDR. Sorbonne Université.
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Autres publications (2)

[2018AP4672] - Cinotti, F. and Fresno, V. and Aklil, N. and Coutureau, E. and Girard, B. and Marchand, A. and Khamassi, M. (2018). Dopamine regulates the exploration-exploitation trade-off in rats.

[ PDF | HTTP | DOI | BIB ]

[2018AP4678] - Luce-Vayrac, P. and Chatila, R. (2018). Learning Relevant Features to Discover Affordances.
1st International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics, a workshop of RSS 2018 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
[ BIB ]

Rapport Technique (1)

[2018RPT4590] - Sigaud, O. and Stulp, F. (2018). Policy Search in Continuous Action Domains: an Overview.
Sorbonne Université
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