Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces





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Autumn day of the Robotics & Neuroscience workgroup (GT8)

17th of November 2016

MNEMOSYNE team, INRIA, Bordeaux

The "Robotics & Neuroscience" workgroup (GT8) of the GDR Robotique organizes this autumn a workshop on Learning. The goal of the workshop is to favor interations and collaborations between roboticists, psychologists & neuroscientists.

Four invited speakers will give talks, and other participants are encouraged to propose regular talks or posters.

Local organizers: Xavier Hinaut, Alain Marchand, Etienne Coutureau

GT8 coordinators: Alexandre Pitti, Ghilès Mostafaoui, Benoît Girard, Mehdi Khamassi

Invited Speakers:

  • Francesca Sargolini (Bases Neurales de la Cognition Spatiale, LNC, Marseille): Entorhinal cortex and path integration processes
  • Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (FLOWERS, INRIA, Bordeaux): Diversity of forms and developmental functions of curiosity-driven learning in humans and robots
  • Alain Marchand (Décision et Adaptation, INCIA, Bordeaux): Flexibilité comportementale: au carrefour des disciplines
  • Nicolas Rougier (MNEMOSYNE, INRIA, Bordeaux): Two actors, one critic, one decision


9:30 10:00 Welcome word & presentation of the day
10:00 10:45 Nicolas Rougier: Two actors, one critic, one decision
10:45 11:15 Alex Pitti: Iterative Free-Energy Optimization for Recurrent Neural Networks (INFERNO)
11:15 11:30 coffee break
11:30 12:00 Aymar de Rugy: Toward biomimetic and adaptable myoelectric controls for prosthesis
12:00 12:45 Francesca Sargolini: Entorhinal cortex and path integration processes

12:45 14:00 Lunch & posters

14:00 14:45 Pierre-Yves Oudeyer: Diversity of forms and developmental functions of curiosity-driven learning in humans and robots
14:45 15:15 Léni Le Goff: Segmenting objects through a robotics agnostic exploration
15:15 15:45 coffee break & posters
15:45 16:15 Arthur Leblois: A minimal neural network for the generation of behavioral variability
16:15 17:00 Alain Marchand: Flexibilité comportementale: au carrefour des disciplines

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