Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



ISIR partner of the European SOFTMANBOT project

The Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR)* is partner of the "SOFTMANBOT EU H2020" project, an industrial-end-user driven project that will provide an innovative and holistic robotic system for the handling of flexible and deformable materials within labor-intensive production processes.


Two ISIR teams are working on several themes within the European SOFTMANBOT project, a project that aims to give robots the ability to manipulate deformable objects in an industrial setting (the industrial partners of the project are Michelin, Decathlon, Juema and Urban).

  • On the one hand, members of the SYROCO team are working on modeling and controlling deformations using visual and tactile feedback.
  • On the other hand, members of the AMAC team are working on the generation of manipulator arm trajectories using evolutionary algorithms, while implementing generalization methods allowing adaptation and transfer of skills across the whole range of industrial tasks to be solved. 


We have completed the first 12 months of our project, and we are proud to say that our team has been working even harder during this trying times to reach our objectives.

More information on the website:


Project Description


*The Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) is a is a Joint Research Unit (UMR7222), under the supervision of the Sorbonne University, the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the INSERM. This multidisciplinary research laboratory that brings together researchers and academics from different disciplines of Engineering Sciences and Information and the Life Sciences.