Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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Title : Doctorant.e
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Publications sorted by category - Publications sorted by date

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Publication list (4).

Peer-reviewed international journal articles

[2013ACLI2787] - Le Maitre, J. and Chetouani, M. (2013). Self-talk Discrimination in Human-Robot Interaction Situations for Supporting Social Awareness.
International Journal of Social Robotics. Vol 5 No 2 Pages 277-289.
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[2012ACLI2456] - Wu, Y-H. and Cristiancho-Lacroix, V. and Gabillet, E. and Le Maitre, J and Chetouani, M. and Jost, C. and Le Pévédic, B. and Duhaut, D. and Rigaud, A. (2012). Perception of affects from non-facial expressions of the robot Nabaztag.
Gerontechnology. Vol 11 No 2 Pages 385.
[ BIB ]

Peer-reviewed international conference papers

[2011ACTI1872] - Wu, Y-H and Chetouani, M. and Cristancho-Lacroix, V. and Le Maitre, J. and Jost, C. and Le Pevedic, B. and Duhaut, D. and Granata, C. and Rigaud, A.S. (2011). ROBADOM: The Impact of a Domestic Robot on Psychological and Cognitive State of the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment..
5th CRI (Companion Robotics Institute) Workshop AAL User-Centric Companion Robotics Experimentoria, Supporting Socio-ethically Intelligent Assistive Technologies Adoption, 2011..
[ BIB ]

Conferences without proceedings

[2011COM2024] - Wu, Y.H. and Chetouani, M. and Cristancho-Lacroix, V. and Le Maitre, J. and Jost, C. and Le Pevedic, B. and Duhaut, D. and Rigaud, A.S. (2011). ROBADOM: Un robot d'assistance pour les personnes âgées présentant des troubles cognitifs légers: perspectives d'usagers et conception du système.
Congrès SFTAG'11, Société Française des Technologies pour l'Autonomie et de Gérontechnologie. Ivry-sur-seine, France.
[ BIB ]