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Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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bailly Kévin
Title : Associate Professor
Address : 4 place Jussieu, CC 173, 75252 Paris cedex 05
Phone : +33 (0) 1 44 27 63 85
Email : bailly(at)
Group : PIRoS (PIRoS)

Publications sorted by category - Publications sorted by date

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Publication list (51).

Peer-reviewed international journal articles

[2020ACLI4796] - Ouss, L. and Palestra, G. and Saint-Georges, C. and Leitgel Gille, M. Afshar, M. and Pellerin, H. and Bailly, K. and Chetouani, M. and Robel, L. and Golse, B. and Nabbout, R. and Desguerre, I. and Guergova-Kuras, M. and Cohen, D. (2020). Behavior and interaction imaging at 9 months of age predict autism/intellectual disability in high-risk infants with West syndrome.
Translational Psychiatry (Nature). Vol 10 No 54 Pages 54.
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[2020ACLI4834] - de Montalivet, E and Bailly, K and Touillet, A and Martinet, N and Paysant, J and Jarrasse, N (2020). Guiding the Training of Users With a Pattern Similarity Biofeedback to Improve the Performance of Myoelectric Pattern Recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Vol 28 No 8 Pages 1731 - 1741.
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[2019ACLI4748] - Arnaud, E and Dapogny, A and Bailly, K (2019). Tree-gated Deep Mixture-of-Experts For Pose-robust Face Alignment.
IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (T-BIOM). Vol Pages 1-13.
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[2019ACLI4744] - Dapogny, A. and Grossard, C. and Hun, S and Serret, S and Grynszpan, O. and Dubuisson, S. and Cohen, D. and Bailly, K. (2019). On automatically assessing children’s facial expressions quality: a study, database, and protocol.
Frontiers in Computer Science. Vol 1 Pages 1-10.
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[2018ACLI4531] - Dapogny, Arnaud and Bailly, Kevin (2018). Face Alignment with Cascaded Semi-Parametric Deep Greedy Neural Forests.
Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol 102 Pages 75-81.
[ BIB ]

[2018ACLI3996] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Dubuisson, S. (2018). Confidence-Weighted Local Expression Predictions for Occlusion Handling in Expression Recognition and Action Unit Detection.
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). Vol 126 No 2-4 Pages 255–271.
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[2018ACLI4086] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Dubuisson, S. (2018). Dynamic Pose-Robust Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-View Pairwise Conditional Random Forests.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. to appear.
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[2018ACLI4576] - Grossard, C. and Chaby, L. and Hun, S. and Pellerin, H and Bourgeois, J. and Dapogny, A.and Ding, H and Serret, S. and Foulon, P. and Chetouani, M. and Chen, L. and Bailly, K and Grynszpan, O. and Cohen, D (2018). Children facial expression production: influence of age, gender, emotion subtype, elicitation condition and culture.
Frontiers in Psychology. Vol 9 Pages 446.
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[2017ACLI4018] - Grossard, C. and Grynszpan, O. and Serret, S. and Jouen, A.-L. and Bailly, K. and Cohen, D. (2017). Serious games to teach social interactions and emotions to individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Computers & Education. Vol 113 Pages 195-211.
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[2017ACLI4500] - Ouss, L. and Le Normand, M. T. and Bailly, K. and Leitgel Gille, M. and Gosme, C. and Simas, R. and Wencke, J. and Jeudon, X. and Thepot, S. and Da Silva, T. and Clady, X. and Thoueille, E. and Afshar, M. and Golse, B. and Guergova-Kuras, M. (2017). Developmental Trajectories of Hand Movements in Typical Infants and those at Risk of Developmental Disorders: An Observational Study of Kinematics during the First Year of Life.
Frontiers in Psychology. to appear.
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[2016ACLI3701] - Nicolle, J. and Bailly, K. and Chetouani, M (2016). Real-Time Facial Action Unit Intensity Prediction with Regularized Metric Learning.
Image and Vision Computing. Vol 52 Pages 1-14.
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[2014ACLI2410] - Sénéchal, T. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. (2014). Impact of Action Unit Detection in Automatic Emotion Recognition.
Pattern Analysis and Applications. Vol 17 No 1 Pages 51-67.
[ BIB ]

[2013ACLI2838] - Rapp, V. and Bailly, K. and Sénéchal, T. and Prevost, L. (2013). Multi-Kernel Appearance Model .
Image and Vision Computing. Vol 31 No 8 Pages 542-554.
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[2012ACLI2365] - Sénéchal, T and Rapp, V. and Salam, H. and Seguier, R. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. (2012). Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features via Multi-Kernel Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part B. Vol 42 No 4 Pages 993-1005 .
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[2009ACLI1008] - Bailly, K. and Milgram, M. (2009). Boosting Feature Selection for Neural Network based Regression.
Neural Networks., Elsevier, publisher. Vol 22 No 5-6 Pages 748-756.
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Peer-reviewed national journal articles

[2017ACLN3854] - Grossard, C. and Hun, S. and Serret, S. and Grynszpan, O. and Foulon, P. and Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Chaby, L. and Cohen, D. (2017). Rééducation de l’expression émotionnelle chez l’enfant avec Trouble du Spectre Autistique grâce aux supports numériques : le projet JEMImE.
Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence. Vol 65 Pages 21-32.
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[2017ACLN4473] - Janssoone, T and Clavel, C and Bailly, K and Richard, G. (2017). ReÌ€gles d’Associations Temporelles de signaux sociaux pour la syntheÌ€se de comportements d’Agents Conversationnels AnimeÌs : application aux attitudes sociales..
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Vol 31/5 Pages 511-536.
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[2005ACLN779] - Bailly, K. and Kiss J. and Desjardins, V. and Golse, B. (2005). Les Productions vocales du bébé : hyperfréquences et processus d'attachement..
Le Carnet Psy.. Vol 101 Pages 34-37.
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International invited talks

[2017INVI4489] - Bailly, Kevin (2017). Random forests for facial expression analysis.
SMART School on Computational Social and Behavioral Sciences. Paris, France. invited conference.
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Peer-reviewed international conference papers

[2019ACTI4743] - Arnaud, E. and Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K (2019). Tree-gated Deep Regressor Ensemble For Face Alignment In The Wild.
IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019). Pages 1-8.
[ HTTP | DOI | BIB ]

[2019ACTI4745] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Cord, M (2019). DeCaFA: Deep Convolutional Cascade for Face Alignment In The Wild.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2019). Pages 1-8.
[ BIB ]

[2017ACTI4017] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K and Dubuisson, S (2017). Multi-Output Random Forests for Facial Action Unit Detection.
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). Pages 1--8.
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[2017ACTI4155] - Vasquez, A. and Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Perdereau, V. (2017). Sequential Recognition of In-Hand Object Shape using a Collection of Neural Forests.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Pages .
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[2016ACTI3735] - Aigrain, J. and Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Detyniecki, M. and Dubuisson, S. and Chetouani, M. (2016). On leveraging crowdsourced data for automatic perceived stress detection.
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Pages 113-120.
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[2016ACTI3765] - Janssoone, T. and Clavel, C. and Bailly, K. and Richard, G. (2016). Using temporal association rules for the synthesis of embodied conversational agents with a specific stance.
The Sixteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2016). Pages 1--14.
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[2015ACTI3328] - Dapogny, Arnaud and Bailly, Kevin and Dubuisson, Séverine (2015). Dynamic facial expression recognition by joint static and multi-time gap transition classification.
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Pages 1-6. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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[2015ACTI3409] - Nicolle, J. and Bailly, K. and Chetouani, M. (2015). Facial Action Unit Intensity Prediction via Hard Multi-Task Metric Learning for Kernel Regression.
IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Workshops (FG 2015) . Pages -.
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[2015ACTI3549] - Dapogny, A. and Bailly, K. and Dubuisson, S. (2015). Pairwise Conditional Random Forests for facial expression recognition.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015). Pages 1-8.
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[2014ACTI3172] - Zamuner, L. and Bailly, K. and Bigorgne, E. (2014). Pose-Adaptive Constrained Local Model For Accurate Head Pose Tracking.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014). Pages 1-6.
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[2013ACTI2846] - Nicolle, J. and Bailly, K. and Rapp, V. and Chetouani, M. (2013). Locating facial landmarks with binary map cross-correlations.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013. Pages 501 - 508.
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[2012ACTI2428] - Bailly, K. and Milgram, M. and Phothisane, P. and Bigorgne, E. (2012). Learning Global Cost Function for Face Alignment .
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012). Pages 1--4.
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[2012ACTI2511] - Nicolle, J.* and Rapp, V.* and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. and Chetouani, M. (2012). Robust continuous prediction of human emotions using multiscale dynamic cues.
Proc. Second International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC 2012), Grand Challenge and Satellite of ACM ICMI 2012, ACM. Pages p. 501-508. (*equal contribution).
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[2011ACTI1842] - Rapp, V. and Sénéchal, T. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. (2011). Multiple Kernel Learning SVM and Statistical Validation for Facial Landmark Detection.
Proc. of the Int' Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG'2011). Pages 265-271. Santa Barbara, USA.
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[2011ACTI1915] - Sénéchal, T. and Rapp, V. and Salam, H. and Seguier, R. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. (2011). Combining LGBP Histograms with AAM coefficients in the Multi-Kernel SVM framework to detect Facial Action Units.
Proc. FG'11, Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge (FERA'11). Pages 860-865. Santa Barbara, USA.
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[2010ACTI1736] - Sénéchal, T. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. (2010). Automatic Facial Action Detection Using Histogram Variation Between Emotional States.
Proc. of Int'l Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR10), IEEE Computer Society, publisher. Pages 3752-3755. Istanbul, Turkey.
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[2009ACTI1009] - Bailly, K. and Milgram, M. (2009). BISAR: Boosted Input Selection Algorithm for Regression.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 09). Pages 249-255. Atlanta, USA.
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[2009ACTI1010] - Bailly, K. and Milgram, M. and Phothisane, P. (2009). Head Pose Estimation by a Stepwise Nonlinear Regression.
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 09). Pages 25-32. Münster, Germany.
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[2008ACTI919] - Bailly, K. and Milgram, M. (2008). Recursive Shape and Pose Determination Using Deformable Model..
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications (CIARP 2008)., Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer, publisher. Pages 602-609. La Havane, Cuba.
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[2008ACTI920] - Bailly, K. and Milgram, M. (2008). Head Pose Determination using Synthetic Images.
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 08)., Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer, publisher. Pages 1071-1080. Juan-les-Pins, France.
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[2007ACTI781] - Bailly, K. (2007). A multi-camera system for baby gaze and gesture analysis.
IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future. Pages 159-160. Hanoi, Vietnam.
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[2006ACTI587] - Bailly, K. and Benosman, R. and Clady, X. and Milgram, M. (2006). Visual perception for hands and gaze tracking in 3-9 months old childs. Clinical Applications of the Research Program PILE (International Research Program for Children's Speech).
World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress. Pages 1-8. Paris, France.
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[2004ACTI778] - Bailly, K. and Arquès, D. and Kiss J. (2004). Computer analysis of the baby movements..
Proc. Seventh International Conference on Humans and Computers. Pages 138-143. Japan.
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Peer-reviewed national conference papers

[2019ACTN4747] - de Montalivet, E and Bailly, K and Touillet, A and Martinet, N and Paysant, J and Jarrasse, N (2019). An optimized visual biofeedback to train users in using prosthesis with pattern recognition myoelectric control.
34th annual congress of the French Society of Physical Medicine and Reha bilitation (SOFMER). Pages xx. Bordeaux.
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[2014ACTN3411] - Nicolle, J. and Rapp, V. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. and Chetouani, M. (2014). Audio-visual emotion recognition: A dynamic, multimodal approach.
IHM'14, 26e conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine. Pages 44-51.
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[2012ACTN2194] - Rapp, V. and Sénéchal, T. and Bailly, K. and Prevost, L. (2012). Machine à Vecteurs Supports Multi-Noyau pour la détection de points caractéristiques du visage.
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'12). Pages 1-8. Lyon, France.
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[2012ACTN2195] - Rapp, V. and Sénéchal, T. and Salam, H. and Prevost, L. and Seguier, R. and Bailly, K. (2012). Combinaison de Descripteurs Hétérogènes pour la Reconnaissance de Micro-Mouvements Faciaux..
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'12). Pages 1,8. Lyon, France.
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Conferences without proceedings

[2017COM4059] - Hun, S. and Serret,, S. and Grossard, C. and Bourgeois, J. and Grynszpan, O. and Cohen, D. and Askénazy, F. and Dapogny, A. and Chen, L. and Dubuisson, S. and Bailly, K. (2017). JEMImE, a serious game to teach emotional facial expressiveness for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
International Meeting for Autism Research. San Fransisco, USA.
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[2016COM4048] - Grynszpan, O. and Grossard, C. and Cohen, D. and Serret, S. and Hun, S. and Dapogny, A. and Dubuisson, S. and Bailly, K. (2016). Technology to Foster Emotional Facial Expressiveness.
Autism Europe International Congress. Edinburgh, UK.
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[2006COM780] - Bailly, K. and Benosman, R. and Clady, X. and Milgram, M. (2006). Système d'acquisition multicaméras dédié à l'analyse des gestes et du regard du bébé. .
Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Visage-Geste-Mouvement.. Paris, France.
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[2005COM584] - Bailly, K. and Clady, X. and Benosman, R. and Milgram, M. (2005). Visual perception for hands and gaze tracking in 3-9 months old childs. News Tools for new approaches of the babies Prince and Pile Programs.
European Congress of Waihm (World Association for Infant Mental Health). Rome, Italie.
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PhD theses and Research direction diplomas

[2010THDR2461] - Bailly, K. (2010). Méthodes d'apprentissage pour l'estimation de la pose de la tête dans des images monoculaires.
. 4 place jussieu, 75005 PARIS. These. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.
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