Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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rigoux Lionel
Title : PhD Student
No longer in the unit

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Publication list (8).


[2013ACLN2754] - Marin, D. and Rigoux, L. and Sigaud, O. (2013). Apprentissage et optimisation de politiques pour un bras articulé actionné par des muscles.
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle. Vol 27 (2) Pages 195-215. .
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[2012ACLI2512] - Rigoux, L. and Guigon, E. (2012). A model of reward- and effort-based optimal decision making and motor control.
PLoS Computational Biology. to appear.
[ BIB ]


[2011ACTI1945] - Marin, D. and Decock, J. and Rigoux, L. and Sigaud, O. (2011). Learning Cost-Efficient Control Policies with XCSF: Generalization Capabilities and Further Improvement.
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO'11), ACM Press, publisher. Pages 1235--1242.
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[2011ACTN1978] - Marin, D. and Decock, J. and Rigoux, L. and Sigaud, O. (2011). Apprentissage de politiques efficaces avec XCSF et CEPS.
Sixièmes journées francophones MFI/JFPDA, GREYC Caen, publisher. Pages 298-310. Rouen.
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[2011THDR2185] - Rigoux, L. (2011). Compromis entre efforts et récompenses : Un modèle unifié de la décision et de la motricité.
. 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris. Thèse de doctorat. Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
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[2010COM1917] - Rigoux, L. and Sigaud, O. and Terekhov, A. and Guigon, E. (2010). Movement duration as an emergent property of reward directed motor control.
Proc Advances in Computational Motor Control, Symposium at the Society for Neuroscience Conference (Todorov E, Shadmehr R, Kording K, organizers). San Diego, CA, USA.
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[2008ACTN918] - Rigoux, L. and Sigaud, O. (2008). Un modèle computationnel de l'automatisation motrice.
Proceedings of the second french conference on Computational Neuroscience. Pages 152-157. Marseille.
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[2007ACTI776] - Gabalda, B. and Rigoux, L. and Sigaud, O. (2007). Learning postures through sensorimotor training: a human simulation case study.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics. Pages 29-36. Rutgers, Piscataway, NJ.
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