Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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Chalard Remi
Title : Doctorant.e
No longer in the unit

Publications sorted by category - Publications sorted by date

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Publication list (6).

Peer-reviewed international journal articles

[2019ACLI4770] - Fazel, A. and Chalard, R. and Reversat, D. and Vitrani, M.-A. (2019). 2392 ROBUST (Robotic Uterine Standardized Techniqueor): A Novel System for Uterine Biopsy.
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Vol 26, Issue 7 Pages S163.
[ DOI | BIB ]

[2018ACLI4563] - Chalard, R. and Reversat,D. and Morel,G. and Mozer, P. and Vitrani, M.-A. (2018). Precisely positioning the tip of an instrument inserted through an orifice with a free wrist robot. Application to prostate biopsies.
IJCARS. Vol 13 No 5 Pages 611-618. Best paper award - runner up.
[ PDF | DOI | BIB ]

Peer-reviewed international conference papers

[2020ACTI4799] - Chalard,R. and Reversat,D. and Morel,G. and Vitrani,M.-A. (2020). Fast and accurate intracorporeal targeting through an anatomical orifice exhibiting unknown behavior..
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Pages 1-6.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[2018ACTI4652] - Chalard,R. and Reversat,D. and Morel,G. and Vitrani,M.-A. (2018). AUTOFocus: Reaching a target in the prostate with a 3D-ultrasound image-based control law.
The Hamlyn Symposium on medical robotics. Pages 1-3.
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Peer-reviewed national conference papers

[2019ACTN4697] - Tajeddine,N. and Vitrani,M.-A. and Chalard,R. (2019). Transvaginal Uterine Biopsy: Robot Comanipulation.
SURGETICA. Pages 90-93.
[ BIB ]

Conferences without proceedings

[2017COM4527] - Chalard,R. and Reversat, D. and Morel, G. and Vitrani, M.-A. (2017). Estimation of interaction matrix including anus elasticity in real time to control the probe tip in prostate biopsy..
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