Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



A voir également


Titre : Doctorant.e
Ne fait plus partie de l'unité


Topic: Robotic and learning of the laparoscopic gesture

Advisors: Jérôme Szewczyk (ISIR, Paris) and Philippe Poignet (LIRMM, Montpellier)

Description: Improve the training of laparoscopic surgery thanks to robotics. Define the problems directly with the students in medical school and their teachers.
Three aspects can be improved during a laparoscopic surgery training session:
- The understanding of the task can be improved by dividing the difficulties of laparoscopic surgery (lack of depth perception, poor hand-eye coordination, inversion of the movement, reduction of the movement to 4 degree of freedom and alteration of haptic feedback). A EMG study can be done to measure muscle fatigue.
- The set-up can give more information to the student thanks to in-line multi-sensory feedback (visual and tactile)
- The student can be considered in the loop by looking at his/her psychomotor skills

start in January 2015

Ecole doctorale: SMAER

Financed by Labex CAMI


Teaching Activity

UFR 919 (engineering) section 61 (electronic)

introduction to electronic (TD 20H)
Mechanical and electronic systems (TP 14H)

L3 electronic:
introduction to C++ programming (TP 10H)
Automation (TD 10H + TP 8H)

L3 mechanical:
Solving mechanical problems (TP 4H)

M2 robotic system (SAR):
bibliographic study supervision of 2 students
Kinesthetic guidance for laparoscopic surgery training


Academic Achievement

2012-2014 International master degree "Mechatronic systems for rehabilitation" between Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Parie, France) and Universita degli studi di Brescia (Brescia, Italy)

master thesis: Musculoskeletal Modeling for Varus Rotational Osteotomy at Hospital for special surgery, New-York

advisors: Howard Hillstrom and Andrew Kraszewski

Description: Build a model on OpenSim of a child with cerebral palsy in order to simulate the varus rotational osteotomy surgery to find the optimal angle of rotation of the femur


2009-2012 Bachelor degree in physics at université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)

internship: Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with different sizes at PECSA (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

advisors: Vincent Dupuis et Sophie Neveu

Description: Make a study of the magnetic nanoparticules thanks to a magnetometer (SQUID), X-Ray and a trasmission electronic microscope (TEM)



October 2015: member of the student jury of the festival Pariscience

Reward: Price of scientific and technical vocation women, promo 2010