Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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salaun Camille
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Publications classées par catégorie - Publications classées par date

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Liste des publications (9).


[2011ACLI2117] - Sigaud, O. and Salaun, C. and Padois, V. (2011). On-line regression algorithms for learning mechanical models of robots: a survey.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, publisher. Vol 59 No 12 Pages 1115-1129.
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[2011ACTI2063] - Sicard, G. and Salaun, C. and Ivaldi, S. and Padois, V. and Sigaud, O. (2011). Learning the velocity kinematics of iCub for model-based control: XCSF versus LWPR.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots - HUMANOIDS. Pages 570 -- 575. Bled, Slovenia.
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[2010COS1467] - Salaun, C. and Padois, V. and Sigaud, O. (2010). Learning Forward Models for the Operational Space Control of Redundant Robots.
From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots, Springer, publisher. Vol 264 Pages 169-192.
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[2010THDR1832] - Salaun, C. (2010). Learning Models to Control Redundancy in Robotics.
. 4 place jussieu, 75005 PARIS. Thèse de doctorat. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.
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[2010AP1722] - Salaun, C. (2010). Apprentissage De Modèles Pour La Commande De La Mobilité Interne En Robotique (Résumé).
. 4 place jussieu, 75005 PARIS. Thèse de doctorat. Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
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[2009COS1468] - Salaun, C. and Padois, V. and Sigaud, O. (2009). A Two-Level Model of Anticipation-Based Motor Learning for Whole Body Motion.
Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems, From Psychological Theories to Artificial Cognitive Systems, Springer, publisher. Vol 5499 Pages 229-246.
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[2009ACTI1470] - Salaun, C. and Padois, V. and Sigaud, O. (2009). Control of redundant robots using learned models: an operational space control approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Pages 878--885. Saint-Louis, USA.
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[2007COM1436] - Durlin, R. and Salaun, C. and Sigaud, O. (2007). Apprentissage de la verticalisation sur un humain virtuel.
Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoïde. Montpellier, France.
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[2006ACTI686] - Barthélemy, S. and Salaun, C. and Bidaud, Ph. (2006). Dynamic Simulation and Control of Sit-to-Stand Motion.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2006).
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