Institut des Systèmes Intelligents
et de Robotique


Sorbonne Universite



Tremplin CARNOT Interfaces



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3457 publications in the database.

10 publications found for year '1994'.

Peer-reviewed international journal articles (1)

[1994ACLI1666] - Guigon, E. and Grandguillaume, P. and Otto, I. and Boutkhil, L. and Burnod, Y. (1994). Neural network models of cortical functions based on the computational properties of the cerebral cortex.
J Physiol (Paris) Vol 88 No 5 Pages 291-308.
[ BIB ]

Peer-reviewed national journal articles (1)

[1994ACLN3142] - Bidaud, P. (1994). Conception mécatronique d'une préhenseur flexible.
Revue d'Automatique et de Productique Appliquées Vol 7 No 2 Pages 161-178.
[ PDF | BIB ]

Edited books (1)

[1994DO325] - Cliff, D. and Husbands, P. and Meyer, J.-A. and Wilson, S., editor(s) (1994). From Animals to Animats 3. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior.
, Cliff, D. and Husbands, P. and Meyer, J.-A. and Wilson, S., editors, The MIT Press/Bradford Books, publisher
[ BIB ]

Peer-reviewed international conference papers (6)

[1994ACTI365] - Donnart, J.-Y. and Meyer, J.-A. (1994). A hierarchical classifier system implementing a motivationally autonomous animat.
From animals to animats 3: Proceedings of the third international conference on simulation of adaptive behavior, Cliff, D. and Husbands, P. and Meyer, J.-A. and Wilson, S. W., editors, The MIT Press/Bradford Books, publisher Pages 144--153.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[1994ACTI402] - Guillot, A. and Meyer, J.-A. (1994). Computer simulation of adaptive behavior in animats.
Computer Animation' 94, Thalmann and Thalmann, editors, IEEE Computer Society Press, publisher Pages 121--131.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[1994ACTI429] - Kodjabachian, J. and Meyer, J.-A. (1994). Development, Learning and Evolution in Animats.
Proceedings From Perception to Action Conference, Gaussier et Nicoud, editors, IEEE Computer Society Press, publisher Pages 96--109.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[1994ACTI454] - Meyer, J.-A. and Guillot, A. (1994). From SAB90 to SAB94 : Four years of animat research.
From animals to animats 3: Proceedings of the third international conference on simulation of adaptive behavior, Cliff, D. and Husbands, P. and Meyer, J.-A. and Wilson, S. W., editors, The MIT Press/Bradford Books, publisher Pages 2--11.
[ PDF | BIB ]

[1994ACTI513] - Régnier, S. and Ben Ouezdou, F. and Duhaut, D. (1994). A new method for the inverse kinematics.
Actes de Romansy'94: 10th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and PrACTIce of Robots and Manipulators Pages 33--38. Gdansk, Pologne.
[ BIB ]

[1994ACTI514] - Régnier, S. and Duhaut, D. (1994). A parallel method for the inverse kinematics.
Actes de SMC'94: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Pages 599-604. Atlanta, Etats-Unis.
[ BIB ]

PhD theses and Research direction diplomas (1)

[1994THDR988] - Gas, B. (1994). Un modèle connexionniste non supervisé pour l'apprentissage et la reconnaissance de séquences temporelles.
Paris. These de doctorat. Université Paris 11.
[ BIB ]